Sunday, November 7, 2010


Although this post is late, I do want to take a few moments and describe how exciting and new it was to be assisting in this portion of teaching. At Chugach, their conferences are more student led and in kindergarten we focus on the social/emotional portion of learning, rather than discussing GLEs. In fact, there are no report cards! Prior to the conference, the children and their families were asked to fill out a questionnaire that would help us understand their views about school, friendships, and their thoughts about the academic subjects they are now being formally exposed to: reading, writing, mathematics, science, and also art. After observing the first couple of conferences, I took over leading the review of the questions and then Jean and I tagged team to learn more information or discuss in depth certain portions. As we went through them, I found it fascinating how many of the children really took the time to understand their intrapersonal selves and discover what they needed to work on and what their strengths are. They really took the time to think about their answers. Overall, it was an experience that I am happy to have gone through, as it gave me more insight into the children's thinking as well as the parents/guardians.

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